
Esbuild Svelte Plugin Example

An implementation of the sample esbuild svelte plugin code at

esbuild svelte plugin example

This is an easy-to-run implementation of the esbuild svelte plugin sample code at


  1. Clone this repository
  2. npm install


node .


Serve the dist directory in a local web server and navigate to it in your browser. There is no watcher, so you will have to re-run the build script manually if you change the example.

e.g., with Site.js, you’d do:

site dist

But I want a watcher, damn it!

Calm down, this is just a simple example :)

See the esbuild serve API for one way to implement a watcher.

In a nutshell, to use it, you would modify the build call to a serve call in build.js and pass the build options as the second object:

require('esbuild').serve({}, {

And then include app.js in dist/index.html from the local server this creates:

<script type="module" src="http://localhost:8000/app.js"></script>

And then, finally, after running node . to start the esbuild server, you would serve the dist folder separately with a web server like Site.js.

Note that even after all this you will still have to refresh your browser to see the changes. All this does is automate the build process when source code changes, it doesn’t implement Hot Module Replacement (HMR). If you want that, look at esm-hmr.

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