noise-blanket Svelte Themes

Noise Blanket

An extension to help improve your focus & increase your productivity by listening to sounds of nature. Or just fall asleep in a noisy environment.

Noise Blanket

An extension to help improve your focus & increase your productivity by listening to sounds of nature. Or just fall asleep in a noisy environment.

This extension is made using Svelte Extension Template

This extension creates offline document to play audio in the background even after the extension popup window is closed. You can also add custom audio by providing audio src url in the prompt when asked.


  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Run pnpm install
  3. Run pnpm run watch to start a dev server with HMR or pnpm run build to build for production


  1. Run pnpm run build to build for production, extension files will be inside dist folder in the project directory.
  2. open chrome extensions page by typing chrome://extension in chrome url bar.
  3. Click the Load Unpacked button on the top left corner.
  4. Select the dist folder from the project directory.
  5. Optionally pin the extension to the toolbar for easier access.


Developed by Ankur Singh.


This project is highly ispired by Blanket app for linux.

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