Svelte Conference
Welcome to Svelte Conference, a web-based platform for managing and showcasing conference details. This project is built using Svelte and Sveltestrap to provide an interactive and responsive user experience.
š Features Implemented
1. Home Page
- Introduction to the conference
- Navigation to other sections
2. Speakers Page
- Displays a list of keynote speakers
- Each speaker has an image, title, and bio
3. Schedule Page
- A structured timetable for conference sessions
- Includes Date, Time, Topic, and Speaker details
- Displays a list of sponsors with their logos and links
5. About Page
- Brief introduction about the conference
6. Contact Page
- A simple contact form (Name, Email, Message)
- Social media links for easy communication
š§ Project Setup Instructions
š Prerequisites
š Install Dependencies
npm install
š Run the Project Locally
npm run dev
Then, open http://localhost:5173/
in your browser.
š Build for Production
npm run build
š Feel free to contribute and improve this project!