svelte-kit-axelar-erc20-bridge-ui Svelte Themes

Svelte Kit Axelar Erc20 Bridge Ui

This is a SvelteKit Bridge UI made to work with any ERC20 that is on Axelar Network.


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Svelte Kit UI app to bridge ERC20 to multiple chains using Axelar Network for custom non-canonical tokens.

This is a community maintained project.

Supports testnet and mainnet envoirment, by editing the config file, supports any custom non-canonical, non-warped ERC20 token, also has faucet functionality when is configured to use a faucet contract in development mode.

It supports multiple tokens mode, in this mode will be deployed, that will allow public use, and will use a list of tokens from the Axelar Network. It also supports single token mode, in case you want to use a single token, and you can configure that in the config file.

Has sample for faucet contract, and non-canonical ERC20 token, and also has a sample package for Axelar scripts to deploy token managers and bridge tokens using the Axelar Network, and UI for the faucet.

This project will be realeased publicly on this timeline: BUILD_ROADMAP.MD

Tech stack

  • Svelte Kit
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Flowbite Svelte
  • Axelar SDK
  • Wagmi SDK
  • Web3Modal with all wallets enabeled incuding Coinbase Wallet
  • Viem
  • Vite


Full size screenshots: here


Docs website



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