An ambitious value inspector component in the veins of svelte-json-tree
and react-json-view
It aims to be a valuable devtool for monitoring state and debugging.
Install svelte-inspect-value
with your favourite package manager.
import { Inspect } from 'svelte-inspect-value'
<Inspect value="hello world" />
and Set
and URLSearchParams
Name | Type | Description | Default |
value | any | value to inspect. can be any javascript value | undefined |
name | string | name of outer value. displayed as key | undefined |
Options | Can also be set using setGlobalInspectOptions or InspectOptionsProvider |
stringCollapse | boolean | set a max display length for string values. 0 means full string will be displayed | 0 |
showLength | boolean | display length of arrays or strings and number of nested entries in objects / maps etc | true |
showTypes | boolean | display type labels before values e.g. "string" / "number." Mainly affects basic primitive types | true |
showPreview | boolean | display preview of nested values of object, array, map, set etc. | true |
showTools | boolean | display row of utility-"tools" when hovering an entry | true |
noanimate | boolean | disable animations / transitions | false |
embedMedia | boolean | embed images and audio if a string value is a path or url that ends with an image or audio file extension | false |
theme | string | set color theme class available built-in themes: 'drak','stereo','dark','light','cotton-candy' | 'inspect' |
expandAll | boolean | initially expand all nodes. can be a performance hitch with a lot of entries | false |
expandLevel | number | default level of initially expanded nested nodes | 1 |
expandPaths | array | array of (string) paths to initially expanded nodes | [ ] |
borderless | boolean | remove background color, border and padding | false |
quotes | 'single'|'double' |
quote type for string values. 'single' or 'double' | 'single' |
customComponents | object | custom components for values. object with type as keyname and arry of component, optional prop modification function and predicate that reverts to default component if it returns false | {} |
elementView | 'simple'|'full' |
determines what properties are shown when inspecting html elements. simple renders a minimal view with class, styles, dataset, dimensions and scroll positions.full renders all enumerable properties of an element |
'simple' |
renderIf | any | () => any |
render Inspect if value or return value is truthy |
true |
parseJson | boolean | if enabled, attempt to parse strings that start with '{' or '[' and display the parsed value if it was valid JSON |
false |