sveltekit-sse-utils Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Sse Utils


sveltekit-sse-utils provides utility functions to implement streaming rpc in sveltekit.


npm i zod devalue sveltekit-sse-utils

Usage in +server.ts

import { createSSEHandler, serveSSE } from "sveltekit-sse-utils";
import z from "zod";

 * CreateSSEHandler takes an async generator function and a zod schema
 * - The generator function is called with the input from the client as per the
 *   zod schema
 * - It also has accesss to an abort signal which gets aborted when the client
 *   disconnects
 * - The type of value that the generator function yields is inferred from the
 *   type of the return value of the generator function and this can used on the
 *   client side with typescript utilities like ExtractGeneratorValueType
const handler = createSSEHandler(
  async function* ({ event, input, signal }) {
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      yield `sending updates for ${} ${i}`;
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    name: z.string(),

/** You can save typeof handler to later use in +page.svelte */
export type UpdatesHandler = typeof handler;

/** ServeSSE needs event and the handler to serve server side events */
export const GET = (event) => serveSSE({ event, handler });

Usage in +page.svelte

<script lang="ts">
    import { sseStream, type ExtractGeneratorValueType } from 'sveltekit-sse-utils';

    import type { UpdatesHandler } from './api/updates/+server';

    // ExtractGeneratorValueType utility is used to infer the type of the values the generator function yields
    let messages: ExtractGeneratorValueType<UpdatesHandler>[] = [];

    async function getUpdates() {
        const ac = new AbortController();

         * sseStream is a function that returns an async iterable
         * - If we provide typeof handler returned from createSSEHandler we can get typesafety for the input
         *   object passed to the handler
         * - We can pass an AbortSignal to abort the stream
        const stream = sseStream<UpdatesHandler>('/api/updates', {
            input: {
                name: 'SvelteKit'
            signal: ac.signal

        try {
            for await (const data of stream) {
                messages = messages;
        } catch (err) {
             * We reach here if,
             * 1. the connection is closed without properly completing the generator function
             * 2. an error is thrown inside the generator function
             * 3. signal passed to sseStream is aborted

<button on:click={getUpdates}>Get updates</button>

{#each messages as message}

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