swarm Svelte Themes


This repository provides a ready-to-use development environment for four popular frontend frameworks: React, Vue, Angular, and Svelte. The project utilizes Docker to create isolated containers for each framework, enabling you to easily set up and work on projects without worrying about dependencies or environment configurations.

Frontend Framework Development Environment with Docker

This project sets up a development environment using Docker for four popular frontend frameworks: React, Vue, Angular, and Svelte. Each framework is configured with its own service in Docker, allowing you to quickly spin up isolated development environments.

Table of Contents


  • Docker (including Docker Compose) installed on your machine.
  • The src folder is ignored by Git, so you'll need to create it manually before starting Docker. If you're not installing the required framework (which Docker Compose needs), Docker will crash. In that case, just create an empty src folder in each directory.

Services Overview

This project defines the following services in a docker-compose.yml file:

  1. React

    • Volume: Binds the local ./react/src folder to /workspace in the container.
  2. Vue

    • Volume: Binds the local ./vue/src folder to /workspace in the container.
  3. Angular

    • Volume: Binds the local ./angular/src folder to /workspace in the container.
  4. Svelte

    • Volume: Binds the local ./svelte/src folder to /workspace in the container.

Getting Started

1. Clone the repository (if not already done)

git clone https://github.com/amirwhocode/swarm.git
cd swarm

2. Build the image

docker-compose build --no-cache

3. Start the container and then access the container's command line

docker-compose up

Development Workflow


There are two ways to create a React app. The create-react-app command is already installed in the container, and you can use this to create a new React app:

  1. Using create-react-app command:
    create-react-app <project-name>
  2. Using Vite:
    npm create vite@latest


  3. Using Vue CLI:
    vue create <project-name>
    cd <project-name>
    npm run serve
  4. build setup based on Vite:
    npm create vue@latest
    cd <your-project-name>
    npm install
    npm run dev
  5. For installing Quasar:
    npm init quasar@latest
    cd <your-project-name>
    quasar dev


  • using Angular CLI
    ng new <project-name>
    cd <project-name>
    ng serve --host


  • using SvelteKit powered by Vite:
    npx sv create <project-name>
    cd <project-name>
    npm install
    npm run dev

    Access the Development Servers

    Once the containers are running and you have successfully installed the chosen framework (React, Vue, Angular, or Svelte), you can access the frontend applications in your browser:






If you installed React with Vite

If you're using Vite to create a React app, you may encounter issues accessing the app from your host browser. To fix this, you need to update the vite.config.ts file to ensure the server is accessible outside the container.

  1. Modify vite.config.ts: Open the vite.config.ts file in your React project and add or modify the server configuration: ``` import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';

export default defineConfig({ plugins: [react()], server: { host: '', // Allows access from outside the container port: 5173, // Explicitly setting the port (not strictly necessary but good practice) } })


App Not Accessible from Host in Docker


By default, development servers (e.g., Angular, React) bind to localhost (, making the app accessible only within the container, not from the host.


Binding to localhost restricts access to the container. To access the app from the host, the server needs to listen on all network interfaces (


Temporary fix: Run the app with --host (e.g., ng serve --host or npm start --host

Permanent fix:

Modify your framework's config to bind to by default (e.g., "host": "" in angular.json or "HOST": "" in .env for React).

Why It Works:

Binding to allows the server to accept connections from both the container and the host machine.

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