In this repo

  • SPA using Svelte3
  • Lazy loaded routes
  • RXJS for state management
  • Shared dependencies between routes

This is intended to experiment with methods of separating a project into multiple, lazy-loaded routes that have shared dependencies.

start by reading ./main/src/app/main.js That is the index that bootstraps everything else.

./add is supposed to simulate a project that could be managed in a seperate git repo where the compiled JS is hosted on its own http server/s3 bucket or whatever.

By extension I imagine ./main to also be a seperate repo.

For clarity this is important because professionally, it's a massive challenge working with other frameworks on large projects that span multiple teams. Normally you'd have a single repo and everyone works off their part, but sharing a release cycle is annoying, so being able to split a project into multiple projects and lazy load them while preserving state is neat.

Also I didn't know how to configure rollup to spit out two JS/CSS bundles for multiple entry points so I just made two projects.

./*/platform are shared dependencies that would otherwise be stored in node_modules


cd add
npm install
npm run deploy
cd ..

cd main 
npm install  
npm run dev
cd ..

I disabled the http server because I couldn't figure out SPA routing, so I just spin up a new terminal and use

npx http-server ./main/public

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