
__sveltekit Endpoint Definition Bug

Demonstrating what I think is a bug in SvelteKit endpoint definition

Endpoint Naming Bug Demonstation

This repository demonstrates what I think is a bug in SvelteKit around defining endpoints.

I am not exactly sure what the bug is, but the result in my app is that an endpoint named index.json.js nested anywhere other than the root of the URL structure results in a 404 when it should not.

Four endpoints have been defined:

  1. /index.json
  2. /test.json
  3. /test/index.json
  4. /test/test.json

1, 2 and 4 all work as-expected; they return the following payload

{ "hello": "world" }

3, however, results in a 404 error being triggered by SvelteKit.

I've read over the documentation again and again and can't find anything that would suggest that what is happening in this repository matches the expected or desired behavior.

Local Reproduction

  1. Clone repository

  2. npm install

  3. npm run dev

  4. Use curl to hit one of the endpoints, like

    curl localhost:3000/test/index.json

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