
Url Shortener

simple url shortener to refresh my express knowledge and play with Svelte kit

What is this?

A simple application that shortens urls. You can enter a long url and then receive a short link that will take you to that same location. It was written as a fun mini project to get familar with Svelte kit It is pretty simple and open to extension.

How would I extend this project?

A few ideas include . Give the UI some styling - it looks pretty bad. . Properly use TS in the back and front end for an improved dev experience . Add unit/integration testing . Improve the migrations code, it is fairly simplistic. There is a rollback flag in the table that does nothing . Add user accounts - currently you can see all the links and remove them. This should be restricted to user accounts so you can login and manage your links/analytics . Add analytics - both in terms of a ui page and in the backend to record data about how often links are clicked and who is clicking them, displaying them in a nice graphical way. . Improve the validation of links in front and backend

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