
Vue Webcomponent

Simple example how to use Vue to create UX components for all ecosystems (React, Angular, Svelte...)


This is an example of vue UI components wrapped to use as generic UI component.

Thanks to vue is possible to use vue components in all ecosystems; react, angular, svelte...

See the examples folder for more details.

library goal

It's just a demonstration library how is possible to implement reusable components in all ecosystems via Vue.js library.

It could be a good alternative to wrap vue components in a web component.

Create your library

  • Fork this project
  • Create your own components in src/components
  • Publish it to npm
  • Install it wherever you want


  • embed(template: Element, props: Object, methods: Object); Embed Element component, see example below
  • define(template: Element, props: Object, methods: Object); Register global component, see example below


Use a Vue component defined into this library in a Angular example:

<div ng-app="app">
    <div ng-controller="ParentController as parent">
        <h1>Vue component:</h1>
        <wv-todo-list id="embed-list" @item-added="listenInput"></wv-todo-list>
        <h1>Angular app:</h1>
        {{ somePrimitive }}
    function ParentController($scope) {
        $scope.somePrimitive = "Hi from Angular";
        $scope.updateValues = function(newItem) {
            $scope.$applyAsync(function() {
                $scope.somePrimitive = 'Listen Vue event from Angular, new item added: ' + newItem;
        const vueComponentMethod = {
            listenInput: $scope.updateValues.bind($scope)
        window.vComponents.embed(document.querySelector("#embed-list"),undefined, vueComponentMethod);
    angular.module('app', []).controller('ParentController', ParentController);
    const app = angular.module('myApp', []);

Register a new components and use it:

<!-- define template: -->
<template id="todo-list">
    <span>Write a text:</span>
    <input type="text" v-model="input">

<!-- use it: -->
<wv-todo-list id="embed-list"></wv-todo-list>
    window.params = {
        input: ""
    window.instance = window.vComponents.embed(document.querySelector("#embed-list"), window.params);

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