browser-copypasta Svelte Themes

Browser Copypasta

A copypasta generator for browsers written with SvelteKit, MDsveX and TailwindCSS.

Browser Copypasta

Live version:

A copypasta generator built with SvelteKit. It uses MDsveX for handling copypasta data and TailwindCSS for its CSS.



Install dependencies

pnpm i


pnpm dev

Runs a development server on http://localhost:3000.

pnpm build

Builds the project into the build folder.

pnpm preview

Runs the built project on http://localhost:3000.

Project structure

/src/routes/_data/ --> The folder where the pastas are located.
All other directories should be in the SvelteKit docs.

Pasta metadata

  • "slug" is the link your pasta will be on ex:

  • "title" should be self explanatory.

  • "name" is the pasta's title in capitals.

  • "published" is a boolean. If true the pasta will display otherwise it will stay unpublished and not accessible anywhere outside the source code.

  • "browser" is a boolean. If false the pasta card will display a tooltip that says "extra" to signify that it isn't a browser.

  • "icon" contains an icon id respective to your browser obtained from

Adding a copypasta

Adding a copypasta is really simple as of v3. On this revision we handle the pastas in markdown files and thus make it really easy for the average user to add one.

Making the file

  1. Make a .md file in the src/routes/_data/ directory (preferably with your browser's name as a name for the file).

  2. Open the file in your text editor and add the following (see Pasta metadata)

    slug: example
    title: Example Browser
    published: true
    browser: true
    icon: icon-park-outline:h
    for me its the <b name="insert">{name}</b>

    <b name="insert">{name}</b> You put this piece of html where you want the browser's name in capitals to be editable with the input GUI.


  1. Make a GitHub account.
  2. Fork a project and push your changes to your fork.
  3. Make a pull request to the upstream master branch.
  4. Wait patiently for the project manager to review.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

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