The SvelteKit Skeleton SaaS

Launch your SaaS app faster with our reusable sveltekit SaaS template.

The Stack

The entire SvelteKit Skeleton SaaS has been optimized to deliver lightning-fast performance that satisfies both stakeholders and end-users alike.


Every part of the stack is modular and easy to replace.

You can configure anything you want from your database to authentication if you read their respective documentation — for example Prisma is configured with SQLite because it requires no setup but it's trivial to change the database connector to use PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, CockroachDB or Microsoft SQL Server without having to change the Prisma schema.


Stripe payment is set up to give you a starting point how to do Stripe payments with SvelteKit but easy to remove if you don't need payments.

  • You're going to need to create a Stripe account
  • Get the API keys from the Stripe dashboard
  • Place the API keys inside your .env file for local development or the dashboard of your host
  • Create the product inside the Stripe dashboard and get the productId
  • You can add a webhook endpoint that points to stripe/webhook where you can add logic to respond to events like checkouts or if an invoice has been paid to continue or revoke access to your product

Get Started

Using GitHub Templates

You can start a new project by pressing "Use this template" at the top which copies the project with a clean history.

Using Degit

You can use degit to download the project if you don't want to create a new repository, or if you're not using GitHub which also gives you a clean slate to start from.

pnpx degit ak4zh/sveltekit-skeleton-saas


You can use any package manager of your choice but I recommend you use pnpm because it's fast and doesn't destroy your hard disk because it symlinks packages.

📦️ Install the project dependencies

pnpm i

⚙️ Rename .env.example to .env and set your environment variables

If you're using a host like Vercel you have to enter the environment variables in their dashboard.

# Prisma

# Stripe

📜 Create the database and generate the Prisma client from your Prisma schema

pnpx prisma db push

Using db push is great for prototyping but you might want to use Prisma migrate for production.

You can change the database schema inside prisma/schema.prisma and run pnpx prisma studio to look at your database.

💿️ Run the development server

pnpm run dev

⛵️ Deploying

You can use any SvelteKit adapter that deploys to a target that supports a Node.js runtime.

If you don't have a full-stack hosting solution you can provision a serverless PostgreSQL database provider using Railway and host your frontend on Vercel starting at no cost.

pnpm run build

You can also preview the build.

pnpm run preview

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