
Svelte Capacitor Tailwind Starter

Create lighting fast cross platform apps with this Svelte and Capacitor starter.

Jean-Baptiste Thery | Flame App | Svelte Capacitor starter

Create lighting fast cross platform apps with this Svelte and Capacitor starter.

💡 Customise all project elements as you want

💡 Any improvements or pr is welcome

I. Features

  • Svelte : frontend framework
  • Capacitor : cross platform app framework
  • Tailwind css : css framework
  • Vite js : lib bundler
  • Typescript : Strongly typed javascript
  • Svelte routing : Routing
  • Eslint : Prevent js errors and normalized coding rules
  • Prettier : Normalized coding style rules
  • Husky : git hooks
  • Commitlint : lint each commit message

II. Available scripts

build -> build the web version of your app

dev -> watch source code and hot reload during development

build -> build the web version of your app

dev:android -> run web and android with hot reload

dev:ios -> run web and ios with hot reload

check -> lint typescript

preview -> preview your procution build in browser

III. Requirements

This project requires the following tools installed locally:

  • Node js >= 14
  • npm >= 6
  • Git >= 2

IV. Project installation

a) Setting up a git repository

b) Check all TODO and follow the instructions

c) Install npm dependencies :

npm i

V. Workflow

For developement workflow please refer to the following frameworks documentations :

Svelte documentation ->

Capacitor documentation ->

Tailwind documentation ->

Crafted with ❤️ by Jean-Baptiste Thery | Flame App |

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