svelte-modal Svelte Themes

Svelte Modal

A simple modal dialog based on aircss and svelte.

Modal dialog

svelte-modal is a simple modal dialog based on aircss and svelte.


In an existing svelte project, simply run the following command:

npm add @aircss/svelte-modal


The following example is a page with a basic "two-buttons" confirmation dialog and a clickable button to show it:

<script lang="ts">
    import '@aircss/air';

    import Modal from '@aircss/svelte-modal';

    let modal;

<Modal bind:this={modal} class="w6 ba bg--white" on:success={console.log} on:cancel={console.warn}>
    <h2 class="ma0 pa4 bb b--noir-20">Confirm</h2>

    <div class="ph4">
        <p class="lh-body tj i">Do you confirm the pending operation ?</p>

    <div class="flex pa4 bt b--noir-20 evenly-filled">
        <button class="w4 pa3 ba bg--red white pointer tc" on:click={modal.close}> No </button>

            class="w4 pa3 ba bg--emeraude white pointer tc"

<button on:click={}>Show</button>


  • id: set a id attribute to the model element (optional)
  • class: set custom classes for the modal element (optional)
  • params: bi-directional binding to share anything between caller and callee (optional)


  • show(payload: unknown): make the modal visible and set its params prop with the passed argument. If the method is called by an HTML event (like a click on a button element), show() will use the data attributes of the event target if there is any.

  • close(payload: unknown): make the modal disappear. The custom event triggered by closing the modal will use the payload as its detail. If the method is called by an HTML event (like a click on a button element), close() will use the data attributes of the event target if there is any.


  • show: this event is fired anytime the modal is made visible. event.detail holds the params argument of the ad-hoc method if set.

  • close: this event is fired anytime the modal disappears. event.detail holds the payload of the ad-hoc method if set (through method args or data attributes of the event target).

  • success: this event is fired when the modal disappears and if the close() method has a payload (through method args or data attributes of the event target).

  • cancel: this event is fired when the modal disappears and if the close() method has no payload (through method args or data attributes of the event target).

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