
An application for answering a series of three of Python problem. Each submission will be evaluated for a grade or feedback if the submission is correct or incorrect. Each submission also requires a unique set of code otherwise the submission will not be graded. Correct answer to a problem will allow user to move to next assignment by enabling the next action button. Correct answer also increase the points to 100 and the maximum perfect score is 300. Notification for incorrect answer is "Incorrect" and "Correct" for every correct answer. Every submission will automatically update the grader_feedback, status and correct attributes of programming_assignment_submissions table as long as code is unique pertaining to the last submission on respective assignment. On production mode of the app, the next time the user launches the application, they can pick up where they left off with the initial task.

The steps for constructing this project were carried out in accordance with the requirements specified by Project 1 of the Designing and Building Scalable Web Applications course.

Running the app

Please refer to the file on how to run the app in debug and production mode as well as how to run the e2e test and K6 performance test.

API Reference

Fetch all assignments

  GET /api/assignments

Get assignment by id

  GET /api/assignments/${id}
Param Type Description
id string Required.

Add submission

  POST /api/assignments/${id}. Id params correspond to the assignment id
Param Type Description
id string Required.
Body Type Description
code string Required
user_uuid string Required

Grade a submission

  POST /api/assignments/grading/${id}. Id params correspond to the assignment id
Param Type Description
id string Required.
Body Type Description
code string Required

Update a submission

PATCH /api/assignments/submissions/${id}. Id params correspond to the submission id
Param Type Description
id string Required.
Body Type Description
grader_feedback string Required
status string Required
correct boolean Required

Fetch all submissions

  GET /api/answers

Fetch all submission by user

GET /assignments/submissions/user/all/${user_uuid}
Param Type Description
user_uuid string Required.

Get submission by id

  GET /api/assignments/submissions/${id}
Param Type Description
id string Required.

Get user latest submission

  GET /api/assignments/submissions/latest-submission/${programming_assignment_id}/${user_uuid}
Param Type Description
programming_assignment_id string Required.
user_uuid string Required.

Check user exists

GET /api/user/${user_uuid}
Param Type Description
user_uuid string Required.

Generate user id




Feautures Status
*Basic requirements done
Submissions will be saved on DB and unique submission will proceed for grading done
Submissions that are about to be graded will be added on a queue, will process one by one and capable of concurrently process a less than a hundred submission done
Only unique submission per assignment will graded but every submission will be saved on DB done
Only unique submission per assignment will automatically be updated done
Short pooling is implemented to updating the submission status done
Development and production configuration of the app are provided done
Development and production configuration of the app are provided done
The three mandatory e2e test specified are all implemented and test properly done
Written reflection about the project done
Documentation for running the app done

With Merits

Feautures Status
Posting a submission while there are pending submission for grading will be rejected done
Top bar that display the incremental points accumulated for every correct answer done
Additional Playwright test that verifies the score increment for every correct answer done
Implementing Redis Stream not implemented
Database queries are cached done
Applying Tailwind CSS on UI development done

CLI Commands

# build images individually per Dockerfile
$ cd grader-api && docker build -t grader-api .
$ cd programming-api && docker build -t programming-api .
$ cd programming-ui && docker build -t programming-ui .
$ cd grader-image && docker build -t grader-image .
$ cd e2e-playwright && docker build -t e2e-playwright .

# buid docker images based on docker-compose on production mode; running on port 7800
# remove app-cache from previous debug mode before proceeding (First build)
cd escala && docker compose -f up -d --build
# to restart on prod mode; running on port 7800
docker compose -f up -d

# buid/rebuild docker images based on docker-compose on debug mode; running on port 7800
# remove app-cache/ && production-database-data/ from previous production mode before proceeding
cd escala && docker compose up --build # (first build)
# to restart on debug mode on port 7800
cd escala && docker compose up

# stop running app all modes
$ docker compose down

# clean slate docker hub; some of the containers, images, volume must be remove manually
$ docker system prune -a && docker images prune -a && docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q) && docker volume prune -a

# run unit test on dev mode
# check the browser if there are errors or make a post request to verify, then repeat the steps before running the test
# passing a test can only produced onces, succeeding test will fail and you need to restart the steps
# steps
$ docker compose down
$ docker compose up # on one terminal; Be sure there is no error on the terminal and all modules are downloaded properly or else the app will not run, repeat step 1
$ docker-compose run --entrypoint=npx e2e-playwright playwright test && docker-compose rm -sf # other terminal

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