tpl-sveltejs Svelte Themes

Tpl Sveltejs

Template project for SvelteJS frontend applications.

Svelte Template

The objectives of this template are:

  • Keep the project and tooling as simple and minimal as possible.
  • Provide a good development experience.
  • Provide high-performance production builds.

Some of the interesting features include:

  • HMR (Hot Module Replacement) and Fast Refresh state supported out-of-the-box. More information.
  • Support for js,jsx,ts,tsx modules.
  • Support for SASS styling.
  • Production builds are prepared using Webpack.
  • Automatic code linting and formatting with Prettier.

Based on the original Create Snowpack App (CSA) template.

npx create-snowpack-app svelte-ts --template @snowpack/app-template-svelte-typescript

More information about Snowpack is available here.

Available Scripts

make dev

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.

make test

Launches the application test runner.

make build

Builds a static copy of your site to the build/ folder. Your app is ready to be deployed!

make lint

Non-destructive code styling verification. Errors will be reported but no files will be changed automatically.

make format

Detect and automatically solve any code formatting inconsistencies.

make scan

Scan your project for vulnerabilities and automatically install any compatible updates to vulnerable dependencies required in production. Dependencies listed on devDependencies are ignored.

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