
:warning: You must have installed docker (version 20.10.10, build b485636), docker-compose (version v2.1.1) and git (version 2.34) on your machine. (

if you are on windows10 it is better if you keep Docker Desktop open.

if you are on ubuntu 20.04 you have to run the script file with sudo otherwise docker and docker-compose will not work

If this is first time you are cloning this repo and running the project you need to run and shell scripts in order to populate database with data and create the views.

run these commands one by one on your terminal (linux environment wsl2 or bash).

~$ git clone
~$ cd database-management-project
~$ chmod +x ./ ./ ./
~$ ./               # if on ubuntu 20.04 run with sudo
# once you execute the above command make sure all the services are running and db is healthy
~$ docker-compose ps
# this is what the output should look like if everything is working fine.

~$ ./       # if on ubuntu 20.04 run with sudo
# the output for the above command should look like below screenshot

~$ ./   # if on ubuntu 20.04 run with sudo
# this is what the output should look like if everything is working fine below screenshot.

Backend (Django Rest Framework) runs on port 8000
Frontend (Svelte) runs on port 3000
Database (PostgreSQL) runs on port 5432

locate to http://localhost:3000 to interact with frontend

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