šŸ˜Ž Fantasitc developer profile website using GitHub pages, SvelteJS, VisJS and Tailwind CSS

šŸ˜Ž a Fantasitc developer profile website using GitHub pages, SvelteJS, VisJS and Tailwind CSS.

See the live [šŸŒ website][website].

šŸ¤– Installation

  1. Prepare your src/config.js change the information according to your credentials.
  2. Rename .env-sample to .env and fill in your environment variable (GitHub Tokens) then install ...

šŸ³ via Docker Compose

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run docker-compose up -d --build

šŸ³ via Docker Run

  1. Generate nodes.json and edges.json by running

    docker run agung2001/ npx grunt build
  2. Run as daemon service ``` docker run -d -p 80:80 \

-v /path/to/.env:/app/.env
-v /path/to/config.js:/app/src/config.js
-v /path/to/experiences.js:/app/src/experiences.js
-v /path/to/github.js:/app/src/github.js
-v /path/to/socials.js:/app/src/socials.js
-v /path/to/avatar.jpg:/app/static/img/avatar.jpg
-v /path/to/cover.jpg:/app/static/img/cover.jpg

- NOTE: Don't forget to change the `/path/to/` accordingly

## šŸ“ Notes

### Distro
I made [DISTRO]( to list a profile and customization you made to this repo.

### Google Analytics
To easily track visitors I use Google Analytics and put the code inside [+layout.svelte](src/routes/+layout.svelte).
You can change the code with your own, if you also want to track the visitors coming to the website.

### How to Generate GitHub Tokens
- Please refer to [GitHub Docs - Creating a personal access token]( to create personal access token.
- Please set the expiration to `no expiration` and enable : `Repo` and `User`

## šŸ“š Resources
- [šŸŒŸ Official Repo](
- [Conventional Commits](
- [Docker Hub](
- [GHCR](
- [GitHub REST API Docs](

## āš’ļø Built with
- [](
- [Commitlint](
- [Dotenv](
- [EditorConfig](
- [Eslint](
- [Fontawesome](
- [GitHub Action](
    - [docker/build-push-action](
    - [JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action](
- [Grunt JS](
- [Husky](
- [Octokit.js](
- [Prettier](
- [Svelte JS](
- [Release-It](
  - [Bumper](
  - [Conventional Changelog](
- [Sticky JS](
- [TailwindCSS](
- [Vis JS](

## ā­ļø Support & Contribution
- Help support me by giving a šŸŒŸ or [donate][website]
- Please refer to [CONTRIBUTING]( to see a way to contribute to this repo


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