astro-chat-example Svelte Themes

Astro Chat Example

Open Source Chat Application build with #Astro #TypeScript #Pusher #React

Chat Application

An open-source example application built with the Astro Framework, integrating UI libraries like React, Vue, and Svelte, alongside real-time technologies like Pusher.


This project demonstrates how to build a fully interactive web application while benefiting from server-rendered content.

Project Structure

Everything except the package folder follows the standard Astro project structure.

package Folder

The package folder contains the core logic for both the frontend and backend:

  • Each package has its own subpackages that can be consumed independently.
  • The backend package is structured differently—its subpackages are accessed via the AppContainer in package/backend/backend.ts.
  • This ensures that consumers (e.g., the Astro framework) interact with a single entry point for business logic, avoiding direct interface implementations.


  • Authentication secured with HTTP-only cookies.
  • Real-time updates powered by Pusher.
  • Persistent data storage using Docker and PostgreSQL.
  • Fully typed data access with Kysely.
  • UI framework agnostic, supporting:
    • React
    • Vue
    • Svelte
    • Solid.js
  • Data validation using Zod for DTOs and parameters.
  • Modern styling with Tailwind CSS (v3).
  • Full TypeScript support for type safety.
  • Pessimistic request handling, ensuring robust API interactions using typescript-optional.

Running Locally

1. Clone the Repository

git clone

2. Install Dependencies

pnpm install

3. Configure Environment Variables

Copy .env.example to .env and update the required values.

cp .env.example .env

4. Set Up Pusher

Create an app on Pusher, then add your Secret, Key, Cluster, and other credentials to the .env file.

5. Start the Database

docker compose up -d

6. Start the Application

pnpm run dev

7. Using the Application

Once the app is running, you can:

Sign Up / Sign In Create a Channel by entering a name in the left-side text field and pressing Enter.

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