sveltekit-pocketbase-csr-auth Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Pocketbase Csr Auth

A very simple template for SvelteKit and PocketBase that only does client side authentication (CSR/SPA).

SvelteKit + PocketBase CSR Auth Template

This is a very simple template for SvelteKit and PocketBase that only does client side authentication (CSR/SPA). This is based on Gani Georgiev's recommendation which makes sense to me.

I couldn't find many PocketBase/SvelteKit CSR examples on Github. The ones I did find, seemed more complicated than necessary. I'm trying to keep this one as simple as possible so that beginners (eg. me!) can easily understand how it works.

  • Routes inside of /app are CSR only and authenticated.
  • Other routes have both CSR and SSR enabled. Intention is these will either be static or use a shared PocketBase account to retrieve public data.

Improvements and suggestions welcome.

How to Use

Requires a working PocketBase installation with at least one user in the users table.

  • Copy .env.example to .env
  • pnpm i
  • pnpm dev


  • I'm using /app/+layout.ts to force authentication for all routes beneath /app. I'm not sure that this is safe, but it seems to work? It seems like it would be better to use hooks, but I'm not sure if that's possible with +hooks.client.ts.

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