SvelteKit Website and Blog

This is our current blog and website template hosted on netlify.


  • ⚡ī¸ Super fast static site generation with hydration. Every route is compiled down to static HTML and routed with (optional) JavaScript, thanks to the SvelteKit static adapter (pre-installed)
  • đŸ“Ļ Zero-config preloading for automatic, fast background preloading of all top-level pages
  • ✍ī¸ Markdown support with a pre-configured blog
    • 📑 Pagination included (can customize posts per page)
    • ✅ Category pages included
    • đŸ’Ŧ Posts JSON API
  • 📝 mdsvex pre-installed--use Svelte components inside Markdown!
    • 🔗 Rehype plugins are included to generate unique heading IDs, for direct linking
  • 📱 Responsive and accessible defaults; includes a "skip to content" link and accessible mobile nav menu
  • 🔄 Page transitions (fancy!)
  • 🔎 Basic SEO for blog posts (strongly recommend checking that out for yourself, though)
  • 📰 RSS feed set up and ready to go (though it could also likely benefit from some optimization); just update src/lib/config.js
  • ℹī¸ Fonts included. (No more built-in Google tracking. & GDPR compliant)

Quick Start

pnpm run dev


  • refactor to use TS instead of JS
  • preprocess CSS with SCSS
  • integrate tailwind.css
  • use shadcn/svelte components
  • add hero section
  • filter blog posts with tags
  • remove mdsvex and use graphql ghost API
  • use new container breakpoint queries in css with grid
  • refactor animations
  • use default light or darkmode based on a users system setting
  • add favicon

Top categories

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