Country pages
This package is converted from aspx to sveltekit
Features/Techs included
- SvelteKit
- TypeScript
- Vite
- Linting/prettier
Code setup
Move into repo
Install dependencies by running pnpm install
Available Commands
- dev: Starts the development server using Vite.
- build: Builds the project using Vite.
- preview: Previews the production build locally using Vite.
- check: Runs the Svelte type-checking using svelte-check and the specified tsconfig.json file.
- lint: Lints the code using ESLint for JavaScript and Svelte files.
- format: Formats the code using Prettier.
- lint:fix: Fixes linting issues automatically using ESLint for JavaScript and Svelte files.
- format: check: Checks the code formatting using Prettier.
Note: Before running the commands, ensure that you have the required NodeJS version installed.