This is a simple Todo application built using Svelte and Firebase. The app allows users to sign in with Google, add, mark as completed, and delete tasks. User authentication is handled using Firebase Authentication, and task data is stored in Firestore. Project Structure
Clone the repository.
Install dependencies using npm install.
Create a Firebase project and obtain the configuration values.
Create a .env file in the project root with the following variables: ```makefile
VITE_APIKEY=your_api_key VITE_AUTHDOMAIN=your_auth_domain VITE_PROJECTID=your_project_id VITE_STORAGEBUCKET=your_storage_bucket VITE_MESSAGINGSENDERID=your_messaging_sender_id VITE_APPID=your_app_id VITE_MEASUREMENTID=your_measurement_id
## Running the App
Use the following commands to run the application:
- Development Mode: npm run dev
- Production Build: npm run build
## Features
- User Authentication: Sign in with Google and handle user authentication state.
- Task Management: Add, mark as completed, and delete tasks.
- Real-time Updates: Tasks are updated in real-time using Firestore snapshots.
- Responsive Design: The app is designed to be responsive for various screen sizes.
## Dependencies
- Svelte: The main JavaScript framework.
- Firebase: Used for authentication (Firebase Auth) and data storage (Firestore).
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
## Notes
- Make sure to secure your Firebase configuration and API keys.
- This is a simple demo app, and additional features and optimizations can be added.
Feel free to explore and modify the code to fit your needs!