Svelte Material Ripple

Svelte Material Ripple is a library for adding ripple effects to elements. Its implementation is based on the official md-ripple web component.

Read the full documentation.

Deprecation Notice ⚠️

This package has been deprecated in favor of the framework-agnostic material-ripple-web.


Install the package from npm using your preferred package manager.

npm install -D svelte-material-ripple
pnpm add -D svelte-material-ripple
yarn add -D svelte-material-ripple
bun add -D svelte-material-ripple


Import the Ripple component and place it in a position: relative container.

    import { Ripple } from "svelte-material-ripple";

<button class="relative">
    <Ripple />

    .relative {
        position: relative;

In the spirit of progressive enhancment, ripples use a simpler CSS-based implementation when JavaScript is not available.


Ripples support theming using CSS variables.

Token Default
--ripple-hover-color currentColor
--ripple-hover-opacity 0.08
--ripple-pressed-color currentColor
--ripple-pressed-opacity 0.12


    import { Ripple } from "svelte-material-ripple";

    <Ripple />

    .relative {
        position: relative;

Ripples also support theming using props.



ref: HTMLDivElement

The underlying HTML element.

You can bind to this prop to access the ripple element.

disabled: boolean

Pass true to disable the ripple.

@default false

hoverColor: string

The color of the ripple when the element is hovered.

@default 'currentColor'

hoverOpacity: string | number

The opacity of the ripple when the element is hovered.

@default 0.08

pressedColor: string

The color of the ripple when the element is pressed.

@default 'currentColor'

pressedOpacity: string | number

The opacity of the ripple when the element is pressed.

@default 0.12

easing: string

The easing function to use for the ripple animation.

@default 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 0, 0, 1)'

duration: string | number

The duration of the ripple animation.

If a number is passed, the unit is assumed to be in ms.

@default 450

disableFallback: boolean

Pass true to disable the fallback ripple when JavaScript is not available.

@default false

class: string

Custom class applied to the ripple element.

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