UptimeLive demo Cast, a podcast listening progressive web app Cast, a podcast listening progressive web app


  • 📱 Listen to podcasts from any web browser
  • ⬇️ Download podcasts to listen offline
  • 📄 Read the transcript when listening is not an option
  • ❤️ Save your favorite podcasts for quick access
  • ☁️ Sync your favorites and listening history with a GitHub account
Podcast Gallery screen Podcast Episodes screen Now Playing screen

Quality assurance

The quality of this application and its codebase is secured with these awesome tools:

Running locally

Run it like any other Node.js app, first the dependencies, then the dev script:

pnpm install
pnpm dev

Meet the team

@aabounegm @alkaitagi @illright @khaledismaeel @VanishMax
GitHub user aabounegm GitHub user alkaitagi GitHub user illright GitHub user khaledismaeel GitHub user VanishMax


The source code of this project is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. Click here to learn what that means.

The podcasts are used in the application with kind permission of copyright holders:

All rights to these podcasts belong to the owners.

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