Moon Svelte 🌙

Once upon a time, in a magical world of computers, there was a special project called Moon Svelte. It was like a toolbox that helped make wonderful web pages.

What's Inside?

Svelte: It's like a super-duper magic wand for creating web apps. With Svelte, you can make things happen on the internet!

Vite: This is like a really fast and clever squirrel that helps Svelte work even faster.

Bootstrap Icons: These are like little pictures that can make your web pages look really cool.

Halfmoon: This is like a magic spell that helps make your web pages look pretty and work smoothly.

How to Use Moon Svelte?

First, you need a special computer language called JavaScript. Don't worry, it's not as tricky as it sounds!

Then, you use the magical commands like dev, build, and preview to make your project come to life.

You can also use special components like CoreSwitcher, Loading, Nav, SidebarLink, and ThemeSwitcher to add special features to your web pages.

What's in the Folders?

src: This is like a treasure chest where you keep all the special things for your project. Inside, there are folders for components and routes.

components: These are like puzzle pieces that you can use to build your web pages. Each one does a special job.

lib: This is where you can put some extra magic spells (JavaScript code) if you want!

routes: These are like the different chapters of your story. Each one can have special pages with their own magic.

Quick Spellbook (Commands)

dev: This command helps you see your project while you're working on it. It's like looking at your painting while you're still painting it!

build: This command helps you make a super-duper final version of your project. It's like finishing your painting and making it ready to show to everyone.

preview: This command is like a sneak peek. It helps you see how your final project will look before you actually finish it!

Important Friends

Bootstrap Icons: These are like stickers that you can use to decorate your web pages and make them look even cooler.

Halfmoon: This is like a special friend who helps you make your web pages look pretty and work really well.

Have fun using Moon Svelte! 🚀 Remember, you're the magical wizard or witch who can make amazing things happen on the internet!

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