svelte-segmented-input Svelte Themes

Svelte Segmented Input

A simple component for number-only segmented input. Ideal for 2FA codes.


A simple component for number-only segmented input. Ideal for 2FA codes. Minified and gzipped the package is ~9kb, and can be used with svelte's client-side component API in non-svelte projects.

NOTE: Deprecated


1. Svelte

    import SvelteSegmentedInput from 'svelte-segmented-input'

    let value

    let callback = (e) => console.log(e)

<SvelteSegmentedInput bind:value="{value}" length="{6}" style="{{borderColor: 'black', inputWidth: '50%'}}" on:valueEntered="{callback}" />

value is the current value of the input as a string with spaces in non-populated fields. Setting rhe variable value will change the input value to the given input if it's a number or can be coerced to a number.

length is the number of fields. accepts number or an array of numbers. when an array is passed, it will create the segments such as for an array [3, 3, 4] the input will look like this: [] [] [] - [] [] [] - [] [] [] [].

style is an object which holds sets custom CSS properties to control the styling of the component.

on:valueEntered is an event that fires every time a full value is entered. event.detail.value is the value that was entered.

2. Vanilla JS (with module bundler)

import SegmentedInput from 'svelte-segmented-input'

const component = new SegmentedInput({
    target: document.querySelector('#app'), // where to attach the component in the DOM
    props: {
        length: 6, // length of the input; can be an array to specify segments
        value: 123, // initial value

// event listener. removeEvent() will remove the event listener
const removeEvent = component.$on('valueEntered', (e) => console.log(e.detail.value))

// log the current value of the component

Setting value in the props object will not trigger the valueEntered event, however setting it using component.value will



  • font-size: var(--fontSize, 2rem);
  • border-radius: var(--borderRadius, 0.4rem);
  • border: var(--borderWidth, 2px) solid var(--borderColor, #e5e5e5);
  • padding: var(--padding, 0.25rem 1rem);
  • color: var(--textColor, black);
  • background-color: var(--bgInput, transparent);


  • border: var(--borderWidth, 2px) solid var(--borderColorActive, #5f91f0);


  • width: var(--inputWidth, 100%);
  • background-color: var(--bgWrapper, transparent);
  • gap: var(--gap); // if gap is not set or is set to 'auto', it's treated as setting justify content: space-between; instead

Alternatively, you can target each item with a descendant selector, as all elements are inside a div with id #input-wrapper.


  1. This solution isn't accessible, as it relies on multiple input elements and breaks a lot of browsers behaviours (i. e. ctrl+f to search). This is a milestone I'm trying to reach with v2.0
  2. On mobile phones it is possible to input + and - characters. I have no idea how it happens.
  3. Binding the length property will break when length is smaller than the number of fields that are populated. Please, don't bind the length property.

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