poke-deck-svelte Svelte Themes

Poke Deck Svelte

Another pokemón application written with Astro + Svelte

PokeDeck App

Another app where you can do different things with pokemons.

The tech stack

How to launch

First thing first you need to install npm deps via:

pnpm install

Then you need to setup your .env by following .env.example. Setup the schema.prisma file for the preferable db. In my example we will use sqlite. To start using sqlite we need to do this change:


shadowDatabaseUrl = env("SHADOW_DB_URL")
relationMode      = "prisma"

Replace this

provider          = "mysql"

with this

provider          = "sqlite"

Also don't forget to create db.sqlite in prisma/ directory.

Remove the prisma/migrations/ and launch

pnpx prisma migrate dev

And now you can run

pnpm run dev

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