
Obsidian Achievements

Add achievements to Obsidian to help guide the user to build good habits in Obsidian.

Obsidian Achievements

Gamify your note taking by working towards gaining achievements!


Your first note

Create a note.

Note taker

Create ten notes.


Create one hundred notes.


Create one thousand notes.

Taking out the trash

Delete ten notes.

Linking your thinking

Create an internal link. You can type [[ to begin creating an internal link.

Making connections

Create ten internal links.

Conspiracy theorist

Create one hundred internal links.

Air traffic controller

Create one thousand internal links.


Open the command palette. You can find the hotkey to open the command palette in Settings - Hotkeys.

Quickly now

Open the quick switcher. You can find the hotkey to open the quick switcher in Settings - Hotkeys.


Create a callout. You can find the hotkey to create a callout in Settings - Hotkeys.


Create a heading. You can create a heading by adding a new line to a note and typing # Heading.

Nested headings

Create at least three levels of headings in a single note.

Your first tag

Create a tag. You can create a tag by typing #tag.

Tagging apprentice

Create five unique tags.

Tagging expert

Create ten unique tags.


There's some known issues on mobile with achievements being achieved much quicker than expected, and some achievements not being achievable.


  • Thank you to pjeby for monkey-around that I used to hook into events in Obsidian.
  • Thank you to marcusolsson for obsidian-svelte that I used for creating many of the UI elements.

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