A modern, responsive portfolio website built with Svelte and SvelteKit. This project showcases my professional experience, projects, skills, and resume in both English and Japanese.
The site was built using a template as a foundation, which has been significantly customized and extended to meet my personal branding and functional requirements.
├── lib/ # Shared component library
│ ├── assets/ # Static assets
│ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components
│ ├── data/ # Data files
│ ├── hooks/ # Custom Svelte hooks
│ ├── locales/ # i18n translation files
│ ├── md/ # Markdown content
│ ├── stores/ # Svelte stores
│ └── utils/ # Utility functions
├── routes/ # Application routes
│ ├── about/ # About page
│ ├── experience/ # Experience page
│ ├── projects/ # Projects page
│ ├── resume/ # Resume page
│ ├── search/ # Search functionality
│ └── skills/ # Skills page
├── app.d.ts # TypeScript declarations
└── app.html # HTML template
git clone https://github.com/ZacharyTStone/svelte-portfolio-site.git
cd svelte-portfolio-site
yarn install
# or
npm install
yarn dev
# or
npm run dev
yarn build
# or
npm run build
I am not taking contributions to this site at this time.
このプロジェクトに関するご質問は、Zach.Stone.Developer@gmail.com までお気軽にご連絡ください。
Feel free to reach me at Zach.Stone.Developer@gmail.com with any question regarding this project!