necro-vs-crown Svelte Themes

Necro Vs Crown

Necro VS Crown is an ambitious project featuring two distinct game modes. Play as the Necro and survive against a horde of enemies, or play as the Crown and save your kingdom from destruction. Built with Svelte for UI, Phaser for rendering, BitECS for game logic, RxJS for event management, and Colyseus for multiplayer.

Necro VS Crown

What is Necro VS Crown?

Necro VS Crown is an ambitious multiplayer browser game. It was originally a single player POC known as Necro Cursor.

You can play the live demo and view the source code.

Necro VS Crown has two distinct factions with opposing goals and distinct mechanics. While playing as the Necro, you control a lowly necromancer and amass an army of skeletons that you control with your mouse. While playing as the Crown, you collect gold over time that can be spent to spawn units that will automatically chase and attack Necro units.

So far, only solo modes are playable. Multiplayer is in the early stages of development but will feature a 1v1 versus mode where each player controls an opposing faction.

Installation Instructions

Clone repo & install dependencies

pnpm install

Start single player client

pnpm run dev

Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:7373


There are unit tests for systems within the shared package, which contains the core of the game logic.

Test suite can be run from the root

pnpm run test

or by navigating to the shared package

npx vitest

Project Information

Built with phaser, colyseus, svelte, bitecs, rxjs, and love.

bitECS - ECS library

Phaser - WebGL rendering engine

Colyseus - websocket based multiplayer

Svelte - UI and menus

RxJS - event management

Monorepo Packages


Contains the core of the game written in bitECS and other resources used in both client and server.

  • entity blueprints (prefabs)
  • component data
  • system logic and pipelines
  • unit tests for systems
  • shared types


  • UI and menus
  • contains game scenes and local state
  • sends requests to server
  • listens to server state updates
  • renders game state


  • creates rooms and connects clients
  • listens to client messages (input)
  • sends state to clients
  • calculates entity interactions

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