Geoheritage Svelte Application

This is an application built to catalogue and view Irish Geological Heritage Sites throughout Ireland. Uses API data from the corresponding Node application

Application Features

- User creation, taking parameters including first name, last name, email and creating a password.
  These credentials are saved and authenticated using JWT.

- User login. Use the email you signed up with and password to log in. These must match the details

- Site creation. Irish Geological Heritage sites can be added to the database, which uses MongoDB.
  Simply enter the name of the site, the latitude and longitude of the site, a brief description and
  choose which IGH Theme it belongs to from the drop down list.

- All sites logged are mapped and visible in the map tab.
- Site views. All sites currently in the database can be viewed with all the appropriate details, along
  with the name of the person who added the site.

- Themes is a view that displays the details behind the 16 different Irish Geological Heritage themes. These were predefined by the program so user editing is disallowed.

- Settings is a view where a user can edit their own details. It is advised that only your name be edited
  as changing the email can cause the application to error.

- Logout will sign the user out of the application so that a new session can commence.

Future Development

- Implement delete funciton

- Introduce Image galleries

- Introduce social aspect allowing for site commenting and rating

Current Bugs

- Current user updating doesn't save changes

- Deployed Map doesn't work, map is unusable, workaround to be tested

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