svelte-easy-drag-and-drop Svelte Themes

Svelte Easy Drag And Drop

Svelte easy drag and drop

This library provides a single function to make your existing lists draggable.


npm i @vuferen/svelte-easy-drag-and-drop


Wrap your list/array with the draggable() function, and provide a query string to target the wrapper as well as a function to make Svelte update the list:

import { draggable } from "@vuferen/svelte-easy-drag-and-drop";
<ul class="wrapper-id">
  {#each draggable(list, ".wrapper-id", () => {list = list}) as item (}

Add a handle

If you only want to be able to grab a specific element, then give it the attribute data-grabbable="true":

<ul class="wrapper-id">
  {#each draggable(list, ".wrapper-id", () => {list = list}) as item (}
      <span data-grabbable="true"></span>

Note: If set on a <td> it may not work correctly, unless it is set to display: block;.

Multiple list

If you want to drag elements between multiple list, then give them the same wrapper class:

<ul class="wrapper-id">
  {#each draggable(list, ".wrapper-id", () => {list = list}) as item (}
<ul class="wrapper-id">
  {#each draggable(list2, ".wrapper-id", () => {list2 = list2}) as item (}

If you do not want to be able to drag elements between list, then give each list a unique wrapper id/class.


When dragging an element, a preview of the placement will be shown as well as the element being dragged by the cursor. You can style both of these by targeting them with css:

:global(html [data-preview-element]) {
  transform: scale(0.9);
  opacity: 0.4;
:global(html [data-dragging-element]) {
  box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

For targeting a specific list, you can add in the wrapper id/class:

:global(html .wrapper-id [data-preview-element]) {
  background-color: rgb(206, 210, 212);

Reverse lists

If the elements in your list are in reverse order e.g. by using flex-direction: column-reverse; or flex-direction: row-reverse;, then add a fourth argument set to true:

<ul class="wrapper-id">
  {#each draggable(list, ".wrapper-id", () => {list = list}, true) as item (}

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