astro-svelte-task-manager Svelte Themes

Astro Svelte Task Manager

Astro Task Manager

Project Overview

Astro Task Manager is a task management application built using Astro and Prisma. It integrates a SQLite database for task data and provides an easy-to-use interface for managing tasks.



  • Docker
  • Node.js

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd astro-svelte-task-manager
  2. Run in docker

    docker compose up --build -d


    make up
  3. Run locally:

    npm run init
    npm run dev

Docker Commands

  • make up: Builds and starts the Docker containers in detached mode.
  • make down: Stops and removes the Docker containers.
  • make prisma-generate: Generates Prisma client using Docker.
  • make migrate-dev: Applies the database migrations.

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