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About the Project

This project is a starter-kit-ish for projects that intend to use Laravel + Svelte + InertiaJS, thus, creating a unified workflow for Javascript and PHP.

Installing the project

  • First, clone the repository using this command
    git clone
  • Next, install the dependencies using this command
    cd laravel-svelte-starter
    composer install
    npm install
  • Start the servers and you are ready to go!
    php artisan serve
    npm run dev

New to Inertia + Laravel?

No need to worry, the projects's main route ('/') is already configured with inertia and getting data from a endpoint, so you can follow the same logic for your own routes.

File Structure

If you have questions about the file structure and how it works, its almost indentical to Laravel with you already worked with it in the MVC pattern.

  • resources/js/app.js - Lays the configuration for Inertia on the ClientSide.
  • resources/js/Pages/* - Here it will contain all the pages for your project.

Learning Laravel

If your completely new to Laravel, you can learn more on the documentation.

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