
  • Learn some Svelte
  • Try various data visualisation libraries
  • Try some web-scrapping techniques


  • A minimalistic app that allowed to learn most basic and some advanced concepts of Svelte.
  • A nice interactive map visualising country ratings through color coding, built with echarts.
    • Tried D3.js, but it looked ugly and DX wasn't good either.
  • A set of web-scrappers to query static html pages.

To run the app locally

Check Node version

Requires Node v20.

Set up environment variables

  • copy env.example as .env or .env.local
  • put your MONGODB_URI="mongodb+srv://<userName>:<password>@cluster0.h2kdfoe.mongodb.net/<dbName> in there

Install dependencies & run dev server

  • pnpm i
  • pnpm run dev

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