SvelteAndFastAPI Svelte Themes


Project: FastSvelteApp This repository contains the source code for a web application built using modern technologies to create a robust and efficient site.


Project: FastSvelteApp This repository contains the source code for a web application built using modern technologies to create a robust and efficient site.

Project Description

This project combines Svelte and FastAPI technologies to create a fully functional web application. The application provides a website that showcases various pages for a village, as well as an API to fetch data from an SQL database. Through this project, one can learn both basic and advanced web development techniques using modern frameworks and technologies.

What Can Someone Learn from This Project?

Part 1: Svelte Component

  1. Using Svelte for Website Creation:
  • How to import and use components (import Title from "$lib/title.svelte";).
  • How to import and apply CSS styles (import '../styles/global.css').
  • Creating a basic HTML structure with elements such as <header>, <nav>, <main>, and <footer>.
  1. Website Structure and Navigation:
  • How to create navigation with links (<a> elements) to various pages.
  • Using the <slot> tag in Svelte components to insert dynamic content.
  1. Copyright Notice:
  • Adding a copyright notice .

Part 2: FastAPI for Web API

  1. Creating and Configuring a FastAPI Application:
  • How to create a FastAPI application (app = FastAPI()).
  • How to set up CORS to allow requests from specific origins (CORSMiddleware).
  1. Loading Environment Variables:
  • Using the dotenv library to load environment variables from a .env file.
  1. Connecting to a Database:
  • How to configure database connection parameters using environment variables.
  • How to create and manage a database connection using pyodbc.
  • Handling exceptions during database connection and query execution with HTTP exceptions (HTTPException).
  1. API Routes:
  • How to create an API route to fetch data from the database (@app.get("/businesses")).
  • Executing SQL queries and converting results into a format that can be returned from the API (dictfetchall).
  1. Returning Data as a Dictionary:
  • Converting database results into a list of dictionaries for easy use and return from the API.

Running Instructions

  1. Install Required Libraries:
  • For the server side: pip install fastapi pyodbc python-dotenv.
  • For the frontend, follow the Svelte installation and project creation instructions.
  1. Set Up Environment Variables:
  • Create a .env file and add the necessary variables for database connection (e.g., DATABASE_DRIVER, DATABASE_SERVER, DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD).
  1. Start the Application:
  • For the server, run the FastAPI application.
  • For the frontend, start the Svelte application.


This project provides a comprehensive understanding of how to create and manage a web application using Svelte and FastAPI. Users learn how to structure a website, manage data from a database, and create a secure and functional API.

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