svelte-recipe-builder Svelte Themes

Svelte Recipe Builder

Recipe builder, create and save ingredients dynamically, adjust ingredient quantities based on the number of servings and see real-time calculations of nutritional values (like calories, protein)

Dynamic Recipe Builder


Create an interactive recipe builder where users can:

  • Add ingredients dynamically.
  • Adjust ingredient quantities based on the number of servings.
  • See real-time calculations of nutritional values (like calories, protein, etc.).
  • Save and load recipes using local storage.

Run Project

# after cloning this project
npm i

npx vite dev

Key Features:

  1. Dynamic Inputs:

    • Add or remove ingredient rows dynamically.
    • Use Svelte's each blocks and reactivity for real-time UI updates. DONE
  2. Two-way Binding:

    • Bind input fields (ingredient name, quantity, unit) to a reactive state. DONE
  3. Live Calculations:

    • Automatically recalculate total nutritional values as ingredients or quantities change. TODO
  4. LocalStorage Integration:

    • Save and load recipes for persistence. DONE
  5. Custom Actions (Svelte 5):

    • Implement actions for advanced interactions like highlighting invalid inputs. TODO
  6. Transitions & Animations:

    • Smooth animations when adding or removing ingredients. TODO

Why It's Fun:

  • It's highly interactive and visually dynamic.
  • It's practical and avoids cliches.
  • It introduces new Svelte 5 concepts while reinforcing basics.

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