
Svelte Aria Dialog

A tiny svelte component that provides a mostly unstyled, WAI-ARIA accessible modal dialog with a few simple options.


Yet another Svelte dialog component.


While there are plenty of packages out there that provide modals or dialogs in Svelte, most fall short in at least one these aspects:

  • They are not accessible to users of assistive technologies, or are not ARIA-compliant.
  • Their APIs are overengineered and not especially intuitive. Some are not declarative, others abuse the Context API for showing/hiding.
  • They take opinions on styling and layout, making them difficult to adapt to the needs of a particular project.

This project aims to fill these gaps. svelte-aria-dialog is a tiny svelte component that provides a mostly unstyled, WAI-ARIA accessible modal dialog with a few simple options.

Focus trapping is provided by the lightweight focus-trap module.



npm install svelte-aria-dialog


pnpm install svelte-aria-dialog


yarn add svelte-aria-dialog


To open a dialog, bind the open prop to a boolean value.

Basic 2-Button Dialog

    import { Dialog } from "svelte-aria-dialog";

    let open = false;

    function save() {
        open = false;

<button on:click={() => open = true}>Open Dialog</button>

<Dialog bind:open title="Title">
    This is a simple Dialog.
    <svelte:fragment slot="footer">
        <button on:click={save}>Save</button>
        <button on:click={() => open = false}>Close</button>

Non-closable Dialog

    import { Dialog } from "svelte-aria-dialog";

    let open = false;

<button on:click={() => open = true}>Open Dialog</button>

<Dialog bind:open closable={false} title="Title">
    I can't be closed!

Custom DOM Target (Portal)

    import { Dialog } from "svelte-aria-dialog";

    let open = false;

<button on:click={() => open = true}>Open Dialog</button>

<Dialog bind:open title="Title" append={document.body}>
    This dialog will be appended to <body>.

Dialog Events - on:open and on:close

    import { Dialog } from "svelte-aria-dialog";

    let open = false;

    function handleOpen() {

    function handleClose() {

<button on:click={() => open = true}>Open Dialog</button>

<Dialog bind:open title="Title" on:open={handleOpen} on:close={handleClose}>
    This dialog will emit events when opened and closed.
      <button slot="footer" on:click={() => open = false}>Close</button>


All unused props are passed to the inner dialog element through $$restProps.


Property Type Default Description
open boolean false Determines whether the dialog is open or not
title string "" Title text displayed as the dialog header
closable boolean true Determines whether the dialog can be conventially closed using the escape key or backdrop click.
append HTMLElement undefined Determines the node the dialog should be appended to
class string "" Specifies a custom class name for the dialog


Name Description
default Content of the dialog.
footer Elements inserted at the bottom of the dialog in the footer.
outer Elements inserted outside of the inner dialog.

Events (Dispatched)

Name Description
open Dispatched when the dialog is mounted into the DOM.
close Dispatched when the dialog is removed from the DOM.

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