
Jobboard Webapp

Job applications webapp with Django Rest Framework for the backend, Svelte for front and Postgres for SGBD. This project aims to realise a web site listing some job advertisements

JobBoard 💼

Introduction 📖

This project aims to realise a web site listing some job advertisements. To make this possible, we needed to realise the following steps :

  • Create a database (that will contains : job advertisements/applications, users, company...)
  • Create some web pages
  • Create an API

The main task is to make all the previous tasks communicate together.

You can see above the display of our main page 'Home', 'Recruiter Profile', 'Admin Panel', 'Job advertisement'.

Technologies 💯

The technologies used on our project are :

Steps to install 📝

⚠️ Dependencies ⚠️
Make sure you have a version of python(¹) >= 3.9.2, you can check it with :

python3 -v

You will need also a virtual environnement with python(²), you can check it with
python3 -m venv -h

(¹) If you want to install python 3.9.x, sudo apt-get install python3.9.
(²) If you want to install virtual env with python, sudo apt-get install python3-venv.

👍🏼 Once you check you have python3.9 and python3-venv, you can follow the steps below : 👍🏼

  • Step 1 :
    Once you have clone the repositorie and you're in the root folder, enter the following command to create a virtual environnement :

    python3 -m venv env

    A new folder must be appear, named env.

  • Step 2 :
    Now, you will enter in the virtual environnement by running :

    source env/bin/activate

    Once you run the command above, your terminal prompt should be :
(env) username@my_debian: ~/T-WEB501-TLS_6-main$

  • Step 3:
    Once you are in the virtual env, you can run a script to install all dependencies for you. You can run the script name
    ➡️➡️➡️ Make sure to read the script before execute it ! ⬅️⬅️⬅️

Now, you need to exit the virtual environnement with :


Update the environnement of your terminal to get all the new dependencies installed before. Run :

exec bash

You can run again :

source env/bin/activate

to re-enter in your virtual environnement.

  • Step 4 :
    Here, you will need to install NVM for Svelte, you can run the following commands :
cd Frontend/jobboard
nvm install 19.0.0
npm install

  • Step 5 :
    Once you realised all the previous steps, you can run the script to launch all the servers : Django & Svelte. A script was realase for this, just run :
cd ../..

  • Step 6:
    Open your browser with the url : http://localhost:5173.

    ➡️ Make sure to always be in the virtual environnement ⬅️

Contributors 💪

- Nathan DULAC

- Ariirau FUCKS

Trello 💼

Trello JobBoard

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