
A simple music app


  1. Description
  2. Get Started
    1. Install
    2. Scripts
  3. CI/CD Pipeline
    1. CI
    2. CD
  4. Git Hooks
    1. Pre-Commit


A simple app to aid musicians with the visualisation of scales.

Get Started


Ensure the correct version of Node specified in .nvmrc is being used
nvm users can run the command nvm use

Package management is handled via pnpmfollow their guide for installation

First download, clone, or fork this repository.

Then navigate to the root directory and install any dependencies by running:

pnpm install


To run the application in development mode, run the command:

pnpm run dev

This will serve the application locally and update with any changes.


To build the application in production mode, run the command:

pnpm run build

This will compile all the source code into a distributable directory ./dist

To preview the build locally, run the command:

pnpm run preview

This will serve the production version of the application locally. This should not be used for standard production.


Script Description
dev Runs the application in development mode
build Builds a production version of the application
preview Locally preview the production build of the application
check Typecheck the code
lint Lint the code
test Test the application in watch mode
test:coverage Test the application and build a coverage report
test:single Runs a single test run

CI/CD Pipeline

Scripts for the CI/CD pipeline can be found in ./.github/workflows

CI/CD is set up for this application via Github actions.

The CI/CD pipeline ensures code and application quality for the repository and live product.


CI is run against any open pull requests or commits to the main branch.

The CI pipeline includes the following steps:

  • Lint
  • Typecheck
  • Test
  • Build


CD is run against any commits to the main branch.

The CD pipeline automates deployments to Github pages.

Git Hooks

Git hooks can be found in ./git-hooks and are installed to git via a postinstall script that runs whenever pnpm install is run.

Git hooks are set up to ensure quality for the codebase.


The following checks are made on every commit to the codebase:

  • Lint
  • Typecheck
  • Test

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