Svelte Tone.js Sampler

Author: Thomas Basham

Tech Used

  • Javascript
  • Svelte
  • Tone.js
  • Vercel


Introducing the Svelte ToneJS Sampler app - a powerful and intuitive tool for creating and manipulating samples in real-time.

Built using the Svelte JavaScript framework and the Tone.js library, this app offers a user-friendly interface for loading, layering, and sequencing samples. With its advanced features, such as reverb layering, time stretching, and filtering, users can easily create unique and dynamic soundscapes.

In addition to its sample manipulation capabilities, the app also includes a built-in sequencer, loop recording, and support for recording your own sounds, making it a versatile option for both studio production and live performance.

Whether you're a musician, producer, or just a hobbyist, the Svelte ToneJS Sampler app has everything you need to learn sample based music production.

Users Can:

  • Play Audio samples
  • Drag and drop beat measures to a sample to create a loop
  • Stack loops to create a beat
  • Adjust loop/beat tempo
  • Record and use a new sample from microphone
  • Record loop
  • Adjust volume of each sample





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