
Svelte Enhanced Transitions

Enhance your svelte transitions


Enhance your svelte transitions.


Contributions are always welcome!



Install svelte-enhanced-transitions with npm

  npm install svelte-enhanced-transitions@latest -D


The svelte-enhanced-transitions package allows you to enable and disable svelte transitions and use css variables in parameters that accept css units


The package exports a high order function named enhanceTransition that adds to a transition the ability to receive an enabled parameter and the ability to use css variables in the parameters you indicate, the function receives the transition to be enhanced and the parameters that can receive css variables

The package also exports the seven standard svelte transitions already enhanced

In addition to the properties that you can make explicit to accept css variables, the enabled property always accepts a css variable as a value

Built-in transitions

    import { fade } from 'svelte-enhanced-transitions';

    let show = false;
    let enabled = true;

<button on:click={() => (show = !show)}>toggle show</button>
<button on:click={() => (show = !enabled)}>toggle enabled</button>

{#if show}
    <p transition:fly={{ enabled, x: '--x', y: '--y' }}>fly</p>

    p {
        --x: 100vw;
        --y: 1000vh;

    @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
        p {
            --x: 0vw;
            --y: 0vh;

Custom transitions

    import { enhanceTransition } from 'svelte-enhanced-transitions';

    function customBlur(node, params) {
        // your transition code

    const enhancedCustomBlur = enhanceTransition(custom, ['amount']);

    let show = false;

{#if show}
    <p transition:enhancedCustomBlur={{ enabled: '--enabled', amount: '--amount' }}>slide</p>

    p {
        --amount: 10px;

    @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
        :root {
            --enabled: true;

    @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
        p {
            --amount: 0px;

Known issues

  • Transitions initiated using the transition: directive will have the same value for the enabled prop on input and output even if the value has changed between one and the other, this problem does not happen if you use the in: and out: directives separately

Live Demo

You can check the live demo here

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