electron-svelte-esbuild-template Svelte Themes

Electron Svelte Esbuild Template

A starter kit to build cross-platform desktop apps with Electron, Svelte, and Esbuild.

Svelte-Esbuild-Electron template

A starter kit to build cross-platform desktop apps with Electron, Svelte, and Esbuild :

  • Windows (portable executable)
  • Linux (AppImage)


git clone https://github.com/Tazeg/electron-svelte-esbuild-template.git
cd electron-svelte-esbuild-template
yarn install # or npm
cd electron
yarn install


cd electron-svelte-esbuild-template
yarn run dev

The Hot Module Replacement (HMR) feature will reload the browser while you are coding (thanks to electron-reloader)

Build for production

cd electron-svelte-esbuild-template
yarn run buildlinux
yarn run buildwindows

The desktop portable apps are built in the dist/ directory.

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