SvelteKit + Pocketbase + Shadcn-Svelte Starter

This project is a boilerplate for a SvelteKit application with Pocketbase OAuth2 integration. For the start it only uses Google, but you can add all OAuth provider supported by Pocketbase. Please take note of the Pocketbase section if you want to edit or add providers.

It also includes Tailwind CSS for styling, Shadcn-Svelte for additional UI components, and Lucide Icons for iconography.


Create a .env file in the root directory of the repo and populate it with the following:

PUBLIC_REDIRECT_URI="http://localhost:5173/login" # default
PUBLIC_PB_URL="" # default


During OAuth, the Google avatar is fetched and saved in the Pocketbase column oauthImage (type URL). If you don't want to extract this information the normal fallback behavior from Shadcn-svelte avatar component applies. If you want to use another OAuth provider, make sure to update the files in /signin accordingly.


This project is based on the pocketbase-sveltekit-oauth-demo repository by AdrianGonz97.

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