RUN THE CONTAINER Run the project
docker compose up --build
Run e2e Playright tests
docker compose run --rm --entrypoint=npx e2e-tests playwright test
Access the database
docker exec -it postgresql_database psql -U username database
psql (17.0 (Debian 17.0-1.pgdg120+1))
Type "help" for help.
database=# \dt
Did not find any relations.
database=# \quit
RUN MANUTALLY Run the Deno Server-side
deno run --allow-env --allow-net --unstable --watch app-run.js
Run the Svelte Client-side
deno install --allow-scripts
deno run dev --open
Create and run e2e test manually
deno run -A npm:create-playwright@latest e2e-tests