svelte-closable Svelte Themes

Svelte Closable

A simple svelte action to detect outside clicks


A simple svelte action to detect outside clicks.


npm install -S svelte-closable


  import closable from 'svelte-closable'

  let button
  let show = false

  on:click="{ () => show = !show }"

{#if show}
    use:closable="{{ exclude: [button] }}"
    on:outside-click="{ () => show = false }"

This example has a popup that can be opened and closed by clicking the button. Using the closable action, we can also close the popup by clicking outside it.

When the closable action detects an outside click, it emits an event called outside-click that we can hook onto to set show to false.

Since the button is outside the popup, clicking it causes the outside-click event to emit so we end up showing the popup and closing it immediately (so we don't see it open at all). To fix this, we exclude the button from being detected as an outside click. We do that by passing it to the exclude array.



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