GitHub-Repository-Checker Svelte Themes

Github Repository Checker

A simple, developer-friendly web application to search and explore GitHub repositories. Built with Svelte, TypeScript, Vite, and pnpm.

GitHub Repository Explorer

A modern, developer-friendly web application to search and explore GitHub repositories. Built with Svelte, TypeScript, Vite, and pnpm, this single-page application lets you enter a GitHub username to retrieve public repositories, view details in a modal, and visualize language distribution with charts. The design features a dark theme with a coder/hacker vibe enhanced by JetBrains Mono.


  • Search by GitHub Username:
    Enter a username to fetch the user's public repositories via the GitHub API.

  • Repository Details:
    View repository details such as stars, forks, language, and more. Click an info icon to open a modal with extended details.

  • Sorting & Filtering:
    Sort repositories by stars, alphabetical order, forks, or recent updates. Filter by language using dynamic dropdowns.

  • Language Distribution Chart:
    Visualize the language distribution among repositories using Chart.js.

  • Modern Design & Accessibility:
    Designed with a dark theme, gradient backgrounds, smooth animations, and a professional coder aesthetic. Accessibility features (keyboard interactivity, ARIA roles) ensure a usable experience for everyone.

Technologies Used

  • Svelte & SvelteKit:
    Lightweight, reactive framework for building modern web applications.

  • TypeScript:
    Ensures strong typing and better maintainability.

  • Vite:
    A fast build tool and development server for modern web projects.

  • pnpm:
    A fast, disk space–efficient package manager.

  • Chart.js:
    Provides interactive charts for visualizing data.

  • Netlify:
    Deployed using Netlify with a custom netlify.toml configuration.


Clone the Repository:

git clone
cd github-repository-explorer

Install Dependencies with pnpm:

pnpm install

Run the Development Server:

pnpm run dev

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173 (or the URL provided by Vite) to see the app in action.

Project Structure

├── public/
│   └── index.html          # HTML file with custom GitHub icon and meta tags
├── src/
│   ├── lib/
│   │   ├── RepoItem.svelte  # Component for individual repository cards
│   │   ├── RepoModal.svelte # Component for displaying detailed repository info in a modal
│   │   └── LanguageChart.svelte  # Component for displaying language distribution chart (Chart.js)
│   ├── main.ts             # Application entry point
│   └── App.svelte          # Main application component
├── netlify.toml            # Netlify configuration for deployment
├── package.json
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
└── tsconfig.json


This project is configured for deployment on Netlify. The netlify.toml file includes:

  command = "pnpm run build"
  publish = "dist"

  from = "/*"
  to = "/index.html"
  status = 200

To deploy:

  1. Push your Repository to GitHub.
  2. Connect your GitHub Repository to Netlify.
  3. Netlify will automatically run pnpm run build and publish the output from the dist folder.



The project uses JetBrains Mono for a modern coder vibe. It’s imported via Google Fonts in index.html.


The dark theme is enhanced with a gradient background, subtle textures, and neon accent colors. All styles are defined in the Svelte component style blocks.


Elements with interactive behaviors include keyboard event handlers and ARIA roles for an inclusive user experience.


Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and create pull requests with your improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Happy coding! Enjoy exploring GitHub repositories with this modern, developer-friendly tool.

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