svelte-netninja Svelte Themes

Svelte Netninja




  • Compiler for creating reactive web apps and interfaces
  • can be used for small parts of a site, or entirely(SPA)
  • no extra scripts or libraries are shipped to production
  • often results in a faster running website
  • it compiles the code into js during development and it doesnt have any extra code in prod code


  • npm i -g degit
  • degit sveltejs/template myproject


  • src folder - all src code
    • main.js - svelte uses to kickstart project
    • app.svelte - root component of project Note: file extension is svelte
  • package.json - list all dependencies -- Note: all the svelte dependencies are dev dependencies
  • rollup.config.js - a webpack kinda file, watches, bundles, etc
  • public - svelte outputs prod code


  • components are building block of appln

  • like modal, header, footer, etc

  • 2 way data binding using bind:attribute syntax

  • {#each people as person (}


    {person.age} years old, {person.beltColor} belt.

    <button on:click={() => handleClick(}>delete

    There are no people to show...


  • Slots

    • to pass content as html

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